When I bought a new bike in the beginning of January I definitely did not think it’ll only serve me for about a month. Yet today I found myself back at Condor shop, picking up a new blue Condor Italia. Normally I’m rather pleased when I get a chance to add a new steed to the stable, this time it wasn’t such a happy affair but rather a forced move.
The previous Saturday I finally got around sliding into lycra, memorizing some local routes and heading out for a somewhat longer weekend ride. It was a gorgeous sunny winter day with perhaps 0 degrees of cold/warmth, no wind, light traffic. 14 minutes, 25 seconds into the ride saw me going at a nice 26 km/h into a gentle corner. 5 seconds later saw me going at a not so nice 0 km/h with a bike that looked like this:
Patch of ice, panic, lost balance, hit a concrete traffic cone. Frame broken in half, not a scratch on me. I guess I should be thankful but being human I of course think – damn, that’s not cheap. Condor guys later double check the frame for prior micro fractures but come up with nothing which means that I am very strong, fast and hit the cone dead straight.
Anyway, most of the parts were salvaged, new frame was picked and today I pedaled home on this blue beauty.
It’s their Italia model, relaxed geometry so more of a commuter-weekend rider/racer. I do not plan to re-check the F=ma with it.
Campagnolo Veloce groupset, Veloce Compat 34/50 chainset, Deda bars and stem, Fizik Pave saddle (really comfy even with just jeans), Condor Pioggia carbon fork, their own breaks too. Most importantly – black bar tape :)
Kas “warranty of 24 months, from the date of purchase” kehtis või oli see klassikaline stiilis “ise sa selle meelega ära lõhkusid ja oma mure”?
Condor leidis raami ja purunemist uurides, et puhas kasutaja viga ja ma pole ka nii suur ekspert, et nendega tülli minna. Sai Hawaii Expressi tuttavatelt küsida, nad ajasid enam-vähem sarnast juttu, ju seal mingi tõetera on, et saab küll sel moel raami ise ära lõhkuda. Condor nii palju oli sõber, et uus raam tuli soodsama hinnaga, töö kulu ka. Raha on õnneks taastuv maavara, aga pidin eelarvesäästlikuma valiku tegema.
Kui ma oma väikses rattapoes mõne kliendi niimoodi üle laseks, võiksin rahumeeli uksed kinni panna, sest info leviks kiiresti ja rohkem keegi enam sinna nagunii ei tuleks.
Tundub, et Sul see väga lihtsasti taastuv maavara või on seal teised kombed, et kahtlased idaeurooplased tulebki üle lasta ja pole mõtetki protestima hakata – sellise hinnaklassi raami esimese kuu jooksul sellise keevise kõrvalt toimunud purunemise puhul oleks iga vähegi normaalne müüja selle koheselt ja küsimusi esitamata ringi vahetanud ja lisaks tekitatud probleemide ja eluohtliku situatsiooni pärast vabandust palunud ja meelehead pakkunud.
Mõtle, mis jõududele cyclocrossi ratas peab vastu pidama seda sihipäraselt kasutades, Sina osalesid sellega tavaliikluses.
Ma ka natuke imestasin, et usaldasid neilt uue ratta osta. Peaasi muidugi, et ise terve oled. ;)