Fan funding meets film makers, video artists – Dailymotion integrates Flattr

Really proud about the partnership announcement that went out today – Dailymotion, after all, is the world’s 29th largest website. And now they’re doing Flattr. Well, not for all yet, we’re starting with their MotionMakers aka prosumer video creators. In reality it means these are accounts who have been verified to carry original video content, stuff that isn’t pirated.

Next challenge: get all those high quality video makers (like above) on board so I can flattr them.

It’s one of these partnerships that just happened because someone at Dailymotion was fan of Flattr, championed it inside the company and two month ago time was ripe to sign some papers, do the technical integration and then prep for the launch. Reminds me how Skype started growing as a business tool not because Skype had a large sales team but because people in these companies started using the product and convinced IT managers to make it an official tool. Best validation for your business model.

That does not mean work can stop. Quite the opposite. There’s plenty we need to clean up on our site, keep iterating on how our product works, make sure we can keep growing as we get beyond the tech savvy early adopter audience. Focus on our strengths. Focus. Focus. Something we haven’t been too great at :)

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